
RVC – CrossFit

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A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Rx =

8 minute AMRAP of:

10 box jump or step-ups (24/20)

2 wall walks or 15′ handstand walk


8 minute AMRAP of:

10 box jumps or step-ups (24/20)

30′ handstand walk


B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Rx =

15 minute AMRAP of:

10 calorie ski or row

10 dumbbell lunges (50s/35s)

10 calorie bike

10 dumbbell lunges (50s/35s)

Rx+ =

15 minute AMRAP of:

15 calorie ski or row

10 dumbbell lunges (70s/50s)

15 calorie bike

10 dumbbell lunges (70s/50s)