CrossFit – Tue, Dec 13

RVC – CrossFit


A: Three Position Snatch (E2M x 6 sets climbing or across )

1. Ground

2. Low Hang (Below Knee)

3. Hang (Top of the Knee)


B: Metcon (Time)

Rx =

for time:

2 rounds of:

50 double-unders

20 dumbbell snatch (50/35)

15 toes to bar

2 rounds of:

50 double-unders

20 dumbbell snatch (50/35)

15 pull-ups


for time:

2 rounds of:

100 double-unders

20 dumbbell snatch (70/50)

25 toes to bar

2 rounds of:

100 double-unders

20 dumbbell snatch (70/50)

15 bar muscle ups

15 minute time cap