CrossFit – Fri, Feb 3

RVC – CrossFit


A: Three Position Snatch (Every 90 seconds x 7 sets climbing or across )

1. Ground

2. Low Hang (Below Knee)

3. Hang (Top of the Knee)


B: UVCF Snatch Open Test (AMRAP – Reps)

Rx =

15 minute AMRAP of:

30 snatches (75/55)

1 minute rest

25 snatches (95/65)

1 minute rest

20 snatches (115/75)

1 minute rest

15 snatches (135/85)

1 minute rest

10 snatches (155/105)

1 minute rest

AMRAP snatches (185/125)


C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Rx =

5 rounds of:

1 rope climb

5 handstand pushups

Rx+ =

5 rounds of:

2 rope climbs

10 strict handstand pushups