CrossFit – Wed, Nov 30

RVC – CrossFit


A: Snatch + OH Squat (EMOM x 11 minutes
3 sets at 70%
3 sets at 75%
3 sets at 80%

*1 minute OFF after each set of 3)


B: Metcon (Time)

Rx =

3 rounds of:

30/22 calorie row

9 snatches (135/85)

1 minute rest

Rx+ = (185/125)

Rx++ = (205/145)
any style snatch permitted


C: Metcon (Time)

Rx =

5 rounds of:

10 pistol squats

30′ handstand walk

Rx+ =

10 rounds
Beginner option

Pistol squats to bench or box

60′ overhead dual dumbbell carry