CrossFit – Mon, Nov 28

RVC – CrossFit


A: Clean + Hang Clean + 2 Jerks (E2M x 5 sets across at 65%)

Programmed to be squat cleans but you may do either or.  Week 1 of 5. Start light with perfect form. Not climbing.


B: Metcon (Time)

Rx =

for time:

40 thrusters (45/35)

1 minute rest

30 thrusters (75/55)

1 minute rest

20 thrusters (95/65)

1 minute rest

10 thrusters (115/85)

Rx+ =

for time:

40 thrusters (75/55)

1 minute rest

30 thrusters (95/65)

1 minute rest

20 thrusters (115/85)

1 minute rest

10 thrusters (135/95)


C: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

Rx =

3 sets of max ring muscle ups

3 minutes rest between sets
If you can only do 1 at a time, do as many sets as needed to accumulate 10-15 reps.