CrossFit – Mon, Mar 6

RVC – CrossFit


A: 3 Front Squats + 4 Back Squats (Weight)

E3M x 4 sets (60%)

focus should be on speed of reps and not load. no more than one second pause at the top of every rep.


B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Rx =

12 minute AMRAP of:

25/20 calorie row

12 dumbbell thrusters (40s/25s)

1 minute rest

Rx =

12 minute AMRAP of:

25/20 calorie row

12 dumbbell thrusters (50s/35s)

1 minute rest


C: Metcon (Time)

Rx =

2 rounds of:

10 ring muscle ups

100′ handstand walk

1 minute rest

Rx+ =

4 rounds